

There's a very simple reason for why I have begun this blog; I feel as if I am drowning in internet bookmarking. At last discovery I had a mere 1807 bookmarks (just in Chrome) I mean to go through at some point, including research papers I've been wanting to read, books, movies, internet searches for information I haven't finished with, comics, music, political figures, long-dead Greek playwrights, Anime, and so forth. All little tidbits of information I felt some need at some point to look up.

I hope to use this blog as incentive for getting rid of these bookmarks, one topic at a time. If anyone cares to join me on the 1807-post-and-growing journey, I'd be delighted. At first look at the bookmark bar I can inform you the next few posts will include information about Vladimir Lenin, Bill Nye (the Science Guy!), Water for Elephants, Distance-Skateboarding, MDMA, Garfunkel and Oates, a little Bourgeoisie Whore and a selection of Extremophile information. How anyone but myself would come up with such a mismatch of interests and fully intend to delve into them all some day is a mystery even to myself.

At the time this post is being written I am a nearly-but-not-so-nearly graduating highschool student, who should be ending her second year of University. Going through bookmarks is unfortunately not the only thing I am capable of seriously procrastinating. Perhaps I live somewhere in Canada's less-pot-filled West, and at the time of this writing I would have been listening to The Aspidistra Flies by the band Stars. Additionally at the time of this writing I would be thinking another blog start-up to be a good idea to distract myself from an always-failing love-life, though for once not of my own fault. I perhaps know it won't help much, but perhaps I also know getting up and doing something meager is far better than curling in a ball and pretending the world doesn't exist. I am a pessimistic, cynical bastard at times, who really truly thinks the majority of humanity is corrupt.

If you haven't been turned off yet, and will join me on this ride, I hope to see a comment or two in the future. If you think I'm crazy and have weird tastes in interests, well, I hope you better luck on Twitter or a cupcake blog.